Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Kings Island

Let me just tell you Kings Island is a great amusement park for kids. We had a great day and gorgeous weather. The kiddie park was not just a bunch of cheesy rides that went around in a circle. Believe it or not they had some really exciting rides. Mitchell took the boys on the "Beast". I took the boys on a cool ride called the "Italian Stunt Job" and Hope pretty much hung out in kiddie land all day. They had all the characters from Nickelodeon and everyone was pretty excited to see Patrick and Sponge Bob of course. Hope was quite the "chicken" when it came to trying out some new rides. We finally talked her into going on the Scrambler and she laughed "from her toes" the entire time. However, roller coasters were not her thing.

Can you find Mitchell, Collin & Austin?

The mini-scrambler

The new Fred, Shaggy & Daphne
I was never a "Velma" fan. I'm sure it needs no explanation.

A Good Deal

It is very rare that Mitchell and I will stumble onto a good deal. We usually have to search one out. However, we got an EXCELLENT deal when we took the kids down to Kings Island. We were at the ticket booth trying to figure out who qualified for adults and children. We were in the process of figuring out exactly how many tickets we needed when a nice gentlemen walked up to Mitchell. He asked us if we would be interested in buying some extra tickets he had from his company picnic. Mitchell found out he only wanted $20 (a good savings since the ticket prices were $36). We jumped on it and then found out he also had 2 tickets to sell with wristbands that were good for free pop through the whole park for the whole day. YIPEE!!!! Let me tell you I think we probably went through $50 just in pop alone. I'm sure had we not had those wrist bands we would have went a little more thirsty. So we got 2 tickets, 2 wristbands for free pop and a free picnic lunch. We were so giddy! You would have thought we were just given the moon.

Our free lunch. Not too shabby. Fried chicken, rolls, chips, pretzels, pop and don't forget a popsicle for dessert. Courtesy of Time Warner Cable. Our "employers" for the day!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fun with Friends!

One thing you quickly learn when you are at the pool a lot is that you end up with a lot of pool pictures. So I thought I would show you a few from when Collin & Hope brought their friends who just happen to be brother & sister (Zach & Isabelle) swimming.

What is it about pool pictures that always just turn out so adorable. It must be something with the water.

Fun with Friends!

Pool Time Fun

I am playing around with blogger this morning and can't seem to figure out why I can't publish the words with my cute slide show of pictures. I hate it when I can't figure these more than likely simple things out. So instead of screaming at the computer and being frustrated because Mitch doesn't have his cell phone on I will just post my story above. I figure until I can figure it out this is good enough.

So below you will see some pictures of our "summer-time" fun. We have had a great summer swimming at my brother-in-law's pool. My kids absolutely love the water and I am thrilled about that. We practically have to drag them out of the pool~ blue lips and all when it is time to go.

They will definitly miss this fun when the dreaded "winter" comes, but until then we will enjoy our pool time fun!!!

Pool Time Fun!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Family Camp Fun!

Family camp was our first get away for this summer. The kids absolutely had a blast. We had a blast down at the lake every day. The first day we got there it was a bit chilly but Thursday and Friday it was warm and beautiful. Collin and Austin loved the new waterslide and let's just say Hope tried it ONCE and that was enough for her. By the time we got ready to leave on Friday night Hope had decided she would like to live at Family Camp. I asked her, "What would Daddy do for a job?" she thought it would be great if he could work at Fun Land. Mitchell would fit in quite nicely there don't you think. I wish I had a picture to share with you of the lovely characters that work there.

Whoa that was so cool!

Austin and his new friend ~

Grandma I just love this ferris wheel
Grandma is that Ted I see out there???

Can you help me catch a fish?

If you look closely you can see Mitchell's feet just after he blobbed Collin

The cold water couldn't keep Austin off of the cool, new slide

Collin made it all the way to the top of this 30 ft. rock climbing wall

A mother doe with one of her 3 fawns.
Beware! The hunters are coming in just a few months!

Celebrating Independence from the rotten Brits

We had a great fourth. It was pretty laid back. We ran a few errands to get ready to go to Family Camp and decided while we were out it would be fun to buy the kids some sparklers. One would think sparklers would not be hard to find. Well, we found out in the city of Woodhaven you cannot purchase ANY fireworks. So I called around and found some sparklers at the $store. Even a better deal then I would have gotten at good old Meijers. So we got the kids some sparklers and for the first time we bought some fun fireworks for Mitchell to light off that night. We had fun with our little fireworks party. My parents came and watched the light show. If you are wondering why aren't there any pictures of Austin it is because he's over a friends house for the night.
Papa & Hope watching the festivities

Collin loves it!

Hope's not quite sure

No, we didn't burn the house down. I just thought this was a cool picture~

Heads up picture takers!

This is a warning out there to all of you Mom's who take many, many pictures with the lovely digital camera. A digital camera was hard for me to get used to but now I absolutely love it. However, there is one drawback to digital. When you are taking pictures with the "old fashioned camera" you couldn't lose a picture. Once it was on the film it was there and if it did get lost or ruined it was the stupid tech at Wal-Mart's fault. However, always be careful if you are taking pictures and decide you need to go ahead and delete one. Be careful not to delete ALL FRAMES instead of just one single picture. We had to learn this the hard way and I lost about 20 pictures from Family Camp. I was bummed because I couldn't recreate funland pictures all over again. So I just wanted you to learn from our mistakes. Just a heads up to all you picture takers.

I admit it!
I am the guilty one!
Gone...gone are the memories of Hope and her friends.
It's all my fault.

World Map

I have added the map I got from Chrissy. Now all I have to do is sit back and watch the millions of little red dots show up. Okay maybe millions is a little bit much but we shall see.