Friday, June 30, 2006

Nature at its finest

This afternoon as I was cleaning I kept hearing this bird. It was so close I started to wonder if it was in my house. I kept looking out the front door for him but I never could see him. I could only hear him. Until low and behold I decided to look down on my porch. The sneaky guy (a baby robin) was sitting on the ledge as close to my front door as he could get. He continued to chirp away as he was waiting for his mother to find him. So as he left the porch (barely able to walk) I decided I would look around because I knew his nest had to be close by. Well, I never did find his nest but as I was looking through the study window I realized we had another nest this was not a robin's nest but morning doves in our weeping cherry. The kids love it when they can see the Lord's handiwork up close. Here's a shot of one of the two morning doves that were nesting. They had just hopped out of the nest to explore for a little while until their mother came back to feed them. Just as quickly as we found them now they are gone.

Keep scrolling!

Please scroll down pass the lovely apple people to see the graduation updates!

I certainly wouldn't want to be accused of leaving out my daughter at graduation time!

Monday, June 19, 2006

They're back!

The good people at Apple have given me 3 more reasons to watch TV.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Graduation Time!

Our niece Laura graduated from High School last month. I'm sorry I am late posting this. It's hard to believe that Laura graduated. I can remember sitting at her Kindergarten Graduation. Better yet, I remember when I first came around the Tally family. Laura was only 9 months old and she loved it when her Uncle Mitchell fed her coke (without her mother's knowledge of course). I know this is such a cliche but time really does fly by so quickly. She looked so happy up on that stage with her cap and gown. Congratulations Laura Boo.

It's over!!!!

The 2 graduates

edited by mjt: I had the coolest job at Laura's O.H. I got to be the bar tender. Slushies in strawberry or lemonade with a little umbrella.

Congratulations Hope!!!

Kindergarten Graduation has now come and gone for this Tally family. Our baby graduated from Kindergarten last night. She did a great job in her little play. (Of course she was a bit nervous) there were a lot of people there watching. However, she overcame her nerves and did great. The emotions were flying quite high (with me of course). There's just something about pomp and circumstance playing and seeing your little one walk down the aisle with that cap and gown that just gets you so choked up. Anyway here are some highlights from the fun night!

Before the nerves kicked in!

Our family
Wonderful friends
Don't her brothers look thrilled to be there!

Okay I know it has been a while, but better late than never.