Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Celebrating Independence from the rotten Brits

We had a great fourth. It was pretty laid back. We ran a few errands to get ready to go to Family Camp and decided while we were out it would be fun to buy the kids some sparklers. One would think sparklers would not be hard to find. Well, we found out in the city of Woodhaven you cannot purchase ANY fireworks. So I called around and found some sparklers at the $store. Even a better deal then I would have gotten at good old Meijers. So we got the kids some sparklers and for the first time we bought some fun fireworks for Mitchell to light off that night. We had fun with our little fireworks party. My parents came and watched the light show. If you are wondering why aren't there any pictures of Austin it is because he's over a friends house for the night.
Papa & Hope watching the festivities

Collin loves it!

Hope's not quite sure

No, we didn't burn the house down. I just thought this was a cool picture~


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