Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Heads up picture takers!

This is a warning out there to all of you Mom's who take many, many pictures with the lovely digital camera. A digital camera was hard for me to get used to but now I absolutely love it. However, there is one drawback to digital. When you are taking pictures with the "old fashioned camera" you couldn't lose a picture. Once it was on the film it was there and if it did get lost or ruined it was the stupid tech at Wal-Mart's fault. However, always be careful if you are taking pictures and decide you need to go ahead and delete one. Be careful not to delete ALL FRAMES instead of just one single picture. We had to learn this the hard way and I lost about 20 pictures from Family Camp. I was bummed because I couldn't recreate funland pictures all over again. So I just wanted you to learn from our mistakes. Just a heads up to all you picture takers.

I admit it!
I am the guilty one!
Gone...gone are the memories of Hope and her friends.
It's all my fault.


Blogger christina said...

that stinks so bad! i almost did that on my mom's camera too....i think that's the one flaw of that camera. it's way too dangerous for them to be messin' with my memories!

cool map btw. it's weird when you don't know anyone from a dot uganda. yeah, i got one from uganda.

7:16 PM


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