Sunday, October 22, 2006

Disney Free & Fun

It's not often you hear the words Disney and free together. The majority of the time Disney is known as expensive. It all stems from their theme parks and then trickles down into their store, costumes, movies, and then don't forget all the toys associated with the movies that the kids MUST have.

Well, our version of Disney and free does go together. Last weekend I got a phone call from my Dad saying he won 8 tickets (I must confess, at first I thought he was talking Tiger tickets) then he told me for Disney on Ice. Well, I knew Hope would be thrilled. He asked if we were interested and I didn't even have to hesitate I said sure. So last Saturday we headed up to the Palace and watched 100 years of magic. Everyone had a great time. We were quite spoiled to be honest. We got free parking (in the suite parking lot) and then we had a suite that was fairly close to the ice. Last but not least, we had our own tv so the boys could turn on the Tigers game.

Here are some pictures from our fun time.

The stars of the show.

Princess Hope

Fun in the suite.

Getting ready to watch the show!

Hope was exhausted on the way home.


Blogger My Middle Age Moments said...

How COOL! I bet Hope was loving that. I love Disney on Ice! Glad to see a post from ya!

9:00 PM

Blogger Mike and Nicole said...

That is so stinkin' cute that Hope fell asleep on Austin and that he didn't knock her off. I just think your kids are SO big. I feel like they are way to old.

2:20 PM


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