Monday, August 21, 2006

Why? Tell Me Why???

Can anyone tell me why this is always bound to happen? Why is it I can go out in public (around my home) all put together (hair, makeup, etc....) and see absolutely no one that I know. However, I can go on vacation (Up North), head home, stop at Birch Run (an hour and half from home) Let me preface this by saying we had been at the Tally cabin (not the cleanest place in the world). I looked pretty grubby, tired, not much makeup on, hair (similar to a bad hair day). Anyway, back to my story we stop at Birch Run and Austin decides he would like to go into the Addidas outlet. Mitchell, Collin and Hope were munching on a snack so I decide I will take him in alone. I walk into the store and low and behold I hear, "Well, hello Mrs. Tally" I look up with curiosity wondering who in the world is speaking to me and I see a guy that I went to high school with. Why?????? Why don't I see anyone when I am put together? Well, at least I can say he still recognized me. I may be giving away my age but I did graduate in 88. Anyway, I just thought this scenario was pretty funny.


Blogger My Middle Age Moments said...

It absolutely NEVER fails. I have had that happen to me before and I always feel like I have to tell the person "I dont normally look this bad...".

The good news is Mitch will keep ya looking any way at all :0)

I am still on the lookout for a chinese Tina

12:26 PM

Blogger christina said...

uh oh! it wasn't an old boyfriend was it?? HA! :) and btw--if your "after the cabin" look was half as bad as mine, then i'd be worried. but i saw you at the cabin and you've still got a way to go before hideous.
but i know that even when people say you look fine, you still feel gross. and for me, hearing people say, "you look like you always do," always makes it worse. so maybe i should take back that previous statement. :)

5:50 PM

Blogger mittin92 said...

No not an old boyfriend (just a friend). I know I know it is not possible to have boys that are only friends but this is what he was:)

Don't worry I will take what you said as a complement.

6:19 PM


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