Thursday, May 17, 2007

I've never been 'shrooming before

I have been told that going mushrooming is really fun, but it can be hard to find the little buggers. I now know that both of these statements are completely FALSE. 10:45am I received a call from Tina wondering what is this strange thing in the basement. Of course I am at work so I have no idea what she is talking about. Thankfully we live in the digital age (and we have a Mac,) so she can send me a photo of the fungus among us. She was a wee bit upset about the intruders, but after 15 years of marriage I am able to defuse this type of situations. (May 16th was our wedding- Mitchell & Tina 1992 = MITTIN92 do you get it? huh do ya?) When I got home the real fun began.
rip out the moldings - check
pull back the carpet - check
cut out the padding, - check
tear out the drywall - check
look for the leak - ?????
Where is the leak? The carpet is wet. The pad is soaked. Even the bottom 1/3 of the drywall is damp. I expected to see signs of water coming down the wall, but I saw nothing. I am sure that is where it came from, so we will just have to watch during the next few hard rains.

Do not think that this is normal for me but I never felt totally overwhelmed (even though home handy man jobs are not my forte.) I had a strange sense of peace that can only come from the Lord. A line from Facing the Giants (a must see movie) keeps coming back to me. "Praise God when we win. Praise God when we lose." Bottom line is this is a minor set back. God is good, and I get to praise HIM.

I'm not sure, are these the kind that you sauté with a porterhouse steak?

When Tina first saw these babies, she thought they were rotten potatoe chips the kids had set along the bottom of the tv stand.

Here is the damage cause by the water.


Blogger Mike and Nicole said...


5:11 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I have never seen anything like that in my life! You could open a looks like you are already stocked with penicillin. Tina, it looks so much worse that what you had even described! Carrie

8:09 PM

Blogger christina said...

yowza....not cool, man. not cool. hope it's drying out over there.

3:59 PM


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